Spring Election
Tuesday, April 1, 2025
Join us to canvass or phonebank labor households for Susan Crawford for Supreme Court and Other Labor-Endorsed Candidates.

South Central Federation of Labor
bringing awareness to federal cuts to workers and the community

The South Central of Federation (SCFL) AFL-CIO is raising money for organizing efforts throughout Dane County and the surrounding area. The amount of new unionization efforts our office has received in the past few years is unprecedented. In the last year alone, it has tripled. For the vast majority of these campaigns, workers are not with a union right away. Until the workers choose a union, SCFL works with them for months, sometimes up to a year. Because of our assistance, workers are better prepared when they do end up with a union. To continue our success, SCFL needs funding to assist in the very critical, initial stages for workers to organize into a union.
(Donations are not tax deductible)

Get Your Proud Union Home yard sign!
For only $10 you can get your Union-made (right here in Wisconsin) sign by contacting us at:
Email for a time to pick your sign up.
Click here to see upcoming School for Workers classes