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Know your rights to form and join a Union

Most private sector workers have the right to form and join a Union. New resources on the US Dept of Labor website educates workers about their rights and protections.

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Calling on UW Health to Respect Nurses and
Honor their Right to a Union Election

UW Health nurses are united for their patients and their profession. The Dane County Circuit Court ruled on March 22, 2024, that UW Health is a “political subdivision of the state.” Political subdivisions are covered under the Municipal Employment Relations Act (MERA) so UW Health Nurses United filed for a union election under MERA on March 25, 2024 with the Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission (WERC).


This recent court ruling has created a path to secure union recognition. Call on UW Health: Respect nurses and honor our right to a union election.


Sign the petition here:

The South Central of Federation (SCFL) AFL-CIO is raising money for organizing efforts throughout Dane County and the surrounding area. The amount of new unionization efforts our office has received in the past few years is unprecedented.  In the last year alone, it has tripled.   For the vast majority of these campaigns, workers are not with a union right away.  Until the workers choose a union, SCFL works with them for months, sometimes up to a year.  Because of our assistance, workers are better prepared when they do end up with a union.  To continue our success, SCFL needs funding to assist in the very critical, initial stages for workers to organize into a union.   



(Donations are not tax deductible)

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The Voice of Working Families in South Central Wisconsin


Published semi-monthly by the South Central Federation of Labor. Subscription is just $10/yr. Subscribe or renew here.


Fill out this form and send a check to the address on the form. 


For Union Subscriptions click here


See a few of our recent articles below.


Union Workers File Lawsuit Against Action 10 by Kevin Gundlach

On February 14, 2011, former Republican Governor Scott Walker introduced union busting legislation, known as ACT 10.  Read more


Fighting the Big Lie By Matt Rothschild

On the afternoon of June 15, there was a great protest on Sherman Avenue in Madison, right outside Kavanaugh’s Esquire Club, where members of the Republican National Committee and officials of the Wisconsin Republican Party were launching their nine-city “election integrity” tour.  Read more


Get Your Proud Union Home yard sign!


For only $10 you can get your Union-made (right here in Wisconsin) sign by contacting us at:


Email for a time to pick your sign up. 

Click here to see upcoming School for Workers classes

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